Map Color Key:
Species present in state and native
Species present and not rare | Species extinct | Species native, but adventive in state | Species waif |
Species present in state and exotic |
Species present and rare
Species noxious (includes noxious-weed seeds) | Species eradicated | |
Species not present in state | Species extirpated (historic) | Species exotic and present | Questionable Presence (cross-hatched) |
In some cases, individual species maps will have multiple colors regarding nativity [e.g., Chenopodium album, dark olive green (native), orange (native historic), teal (adventive), and also dark navy blue (exotic)]. This map suggests that in various U.S. states, at least one infraspecific taxon of the species complex is native, another is exotic, a third is adventive and the fourth rare. Once published, the Floristic Synthesis will show state-level nativity and rarity for each infraspecific taxon, however, for this website, we have provided only full species-level maps.
only have TWO state-background-colors, dark green (native) and dark blue
(exotic). If a species is NATIVE TO THE North American continent,
state-background color is dark green, lF EXOTIC, state background color
is dark blue. All other colors including; teal, yellow, pink, red,
black, etc., pertain to nativity of the individual state and its
counties. Therefore, the state-background color of the map for
Chasmanthium latifolium in Wisconsin is dark green, indicating native to
NORTH AMERICA. BUT(!), the single county occurrence of the species in
Wisconsin is TEAL colored, indicating that in Wisconsin, the species is
For comparison, take a look at BONAP's map of Ginkgo biloba. This
species is EXOTIC to North America, indicated by the dark blue
background color of the map. Notice the lighter blue colors of the
individual counties, indicating presence only there within each state.
Last updated February 8, 2024.